Northern light Portal - The Light in North
The Northern Lights are known as a colorful sight in the sky and can best be seen in the north during the dark. From ancient times, the northern lights were known to the indigenous people and they could hear the northern lights dance in the sky.
Officially, we talk about aurora polaris (polar lights/northern lights) in the northern hemisphere and aurora australis (southern lights) in the southern hemisphere. So this wonderful light is all over the earth, but most visible in the north where it dances across the night sky at the darkest time of the year and brings us joy and experiences.
The Northern Lights are officially described as a physical phenomenon that occurs when the solar wind is stronger than normal, with large electrical discharges that hurl electrically charged particles towards the Earth.
But what are the Northern Lights, what lies behind them and what does the Northern Lights want to convey to us humans in this day and age?
When we talk about the Northern Lights, many people have the experience that it is magnetic radiation from the sun. But what it is, is plasma energy that comes from the inner earth and flows out from the north and south poles.
The northern lights, or plasma lights, are a multidimensional energy that understands that the energy is more important than the physical form. It is the energy itself that keeps the physical form.
The Northern Lights are part of the energy field of the universe and the aura field of the individual human being.
Aurora means the red of the morning, dawn or resurrection.
Borea is a Greek word for the north wind or the North Wind.
So you can say that the Northern Lights (aurora Borealis) are the resurrection from the north, a new day that is born from the north. This is the land behind the Northern Lights, the land behind the North Wind, the promised land.
Aurora is also known as a Greek feminine goddess.
On a higher sacred plane, there is a separate aurora ray/Aurora ray/resurrection ray. This ray is controlled by a separate master known as A´ho and who cooperates with the Galactic Federation which controls/assists with the development and growth of the earth and the people.
70% of the Northern Light energies that come through Northern Light Healing are aligned with the love planet Venus and your higher creative power of love.
The energies are aligned with the earth's energy field, crystals, the crystals in man, the colors, the sound, sacred geometry and codes that are now being opened up. All the energies are whole energies and align the unity consciousness in the people.
In the aurora energies, there is not only light, it is an original power and love that we once had access to on Lemuria when we had high awareness, wisdom and experience of life.
The Northern Lights energies will help to increase your heart rate, so you see everything with new eyes from your highest soul consciousness. The Northern Lights energies are and have been adapted to the new body of consciousness and your sacred temple on earth.
The Northern Lights energies are part of the Key of Life - Santa Coora. This is a big master key that we all have access to.
The information about this new universell platform/healing power/energies, is channeled by Mari Solei Bakken who also brings this out in Norway together with Oddvar Bakken.